Lame Adventure 402: Snow in SoHo
Possibly it is just I, but maybe you are also familiar with that sentimental song about dreaming of a white Christmas. Funny how the crooning masses are mute about singing sappy praises for a nightmare...
View ArticleLame Adventure 403: Slippery Invisible Ice
Many of you were kind enough to glance at this site’s previous post about snow falling overnight in lower Manhattan. It featured some fine photography shot by longtime Lame Adventurer, my bud, Coco....
View ArticleLame Adventure 406: Feather Headed
When I label a ton of bricks like I recently did all afternoon at The Grind my thoughts naturally stray from the mind-numbing task at hand and I start wondering. I wonder about what became of my grade...
View ArticleLame Adventure 407: Bottomless Pit of Winter
The winter of Endless Snow is continuing here in New York City. The slushy, slippery, icy eight inches that fell on Monday produced ankle deep puddles requiring the wearing of all-terrain footwear....
View ArticleLame Adventure 408: Hearing Things, Smelling Things, Seeing Things
It was bound to happen at some point in this winter of apparently endless snow: it’s playing tricks on what’s left of my mind. I seem to be in a perpetual snow-induced delirium. For example, I’ve been...
View ArticleLame Adventure 453: The Lone Yam of Winter Storm Juno
On Monday morning, while at The Grind, I looked out the window and saw what appeared to be a typical winter weather event. It was steadily snowing, but it was not a monumental amount. By afternoon, my...
View ArticleLame Adventure 459: Finally Thawing Out
Some people stalk other people, predators stalk prey, pigeons stalk pizza and I have been stalking a Ford Windstar minivan. My obsession with a suburban family vehicle that I would normally dismiss as...
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